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Plus One Chemistry Study Notes & Previous Year Questions

Click here for Plus One Chemistry Study Notes  .We have also included chapter wise Previous Year questions and their answers,that’ll help you revise the chapters too. We,Team RRV Girls HSS(www.rrvgirls.com) Wishing you all the best……
      Chemistry Plus One Study Notes,Previous Year Questions & Answers
Prepared By:Anil Kumar.K.L, HSST Chemistry,APHSS Adichanalloor,Kollam
1.Some basic concepts of chemistry (Study Notes)
1.Some basic concepts of chemistry-Q&A
2.Atomic Structure (Study Notes)
2.Atomic Structure-Q&A
3-Classification of elements and periodicity in properties (Study Notes)
3-Classification of elements and periodicity in properties-Q&A
4.Chemical bonding and molecular structure (Study Notes)
4.Chemical bonding and molecular structure-Q&A
5.States of matter (Deleted Chapter)
5.States of matter-Q&A(Deleted Chapter)
6.Thermodynamics(Study Notes)
7.Equilibrium(Study Notes)
8.Redox Reactions(Study Notes)
8.Redox Reactions-Q&A
9.Hydrogen (Deleted Chapter)
9.Hydrogen-Q&A(Deleted Chapter)
10.The S-Block elements (Deleted Chapter)
10.The S-Block elements-Q&A (Deleted Chapter)
11.The P-Block Elements (Deleted Chapter)
11.The P-Block Elements Q&A (Deleted Chapter)
12.Organic Chemistry-Some basic Principles and techniques (Study Notes)
12.Organic Chemistry-Some basic Principles and techniques-Q&A
13.Hydrocarbons (Study Notes)
14.Environmental Chemistry (Deleted Chapter)
14.Environmental Chemistry-Q&A (Deleted Chapter)
Click here to watch Plus one Chemistry Video Class
Plus one à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿികൾക്à´•ും, à´…à´¤് à´ªോà´²െ à´ª്ലസ് വൺ à´•്à´²ാà´¸ുകൾ à´•ൈà´•ാà´°്à´¯ം à´šെà´¯്à´¯ുà´¨്à´¨ à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകർക്à´•ും ആവശ്യമാà´¯ à´¸്à´±്റഡി à´¨ോà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´•à´³ും à´µീà´¡ിà´¯ോ à´•്à´²ാà´¸്à´¸ുà´•à´³ും, ഹയർസെà´•്à´•à´£്à´Ÿà´±ിà´¯ുà´®ാà´¯ി ബന്ധപ്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ à´µാർത്തകളും പരീà´•്à´·ാ à´µിവരങ്ങളും ഗവണ്à´®െൻറ് ഉത്തരവുà´•à´³ും ലഭിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨് à´ˆ à´²ിà´™്à´•ിൽ à´•്à´²ിà´•്à´•് à´šെà´¯്à´¤ുà´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿ് à´¨ിà´™്ങൾക്à´•് ആർ.ആർ.à´µി à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ിà´¨്à´±െ à´ª്ലസ് വൺ à´µാà´Ÿ്‌à´¸്ആപ്à´ª് à´—്à´°ൂà´ª്à´ªിൽ (www.rrvgirls.com-9) à´…ംà´—ം ആകാം.
Admin || Vishnu Kalpadakkal

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